Teacher Tear Sheets


Touch the Art-Teacher Tear sheets

Lesson Plans and Art Activities

Brush Mona Lisa’s Hair

1-Read story


Look at blow up of Mona Lisa

-How old is this painting? (500 years old, 1503-06)

-Why do you think people back then paint pictures of people?

-Who is this person?

-What are they thinking?

-Are they happy or sad or????

-Discuss idea of portrait/self-portrait

-Show other examples of portraits-Cavalier, Prince, Anolfini, etc.


Mona Lisa says…

Play a version of Simon says using “Mona” instead of “Simon”. Be sure to focus on the parts of the face.

Examples “Mona says wiggle your nose.”

“Mona says tug you ear.”

“Mona says blink your eyes three times.”

How do you make a face?

On a large white board, piece of paper, or magnetic board draw a large circle head and draw or place cut outs of the parts of the face. Ask the students about each section of their own head:

“How many eyes do you have?”

“Where do the eyes go on the page?”

“Where is your nose?”

“Find your ears.”

“What is missing from this face so far?”

Students may then participate in the Touch Your Nose Art project.

Touch Your Nose Art


-Draw a face (self-portrait or portrait)

-Use multicultural crayons, markers or pencils

-Add a “touch” element such as yarn hair, foam nose, etc.

Touch the Art-Teacher Tear sheets

School and book store art activities

Make Van Gogh’s Bed

1-Read story


Look at blow up of Starry Night

-What do you see in this picture?

-What time of day is it in the picture?

-What is the name/title of the painting?

-If you look in the sky is this what you see?

Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are?

Sing the song then play the game…


Large light blue piece of paper (on an easel or chalkboard)

Small piece of paper


“I’m thinking of something in the sky, can you guess what it is?”

The game leader (or teacher) picks something found in the sky and writes it down on a small piece of paper and folds it so no one can see.

Students take turns guessing. Is it an airplane? Moon? Star? Cloud? Etc. Each time the teacher draws a picture and writes the name of the object on the blue paper filling up the “sky” until someone guesses right. The teacher can pick another object to continue the game until everyone has had a turn. For a variation on the game the students can pick thing found in the night or day sky only.

Touch the Sparkly Starry Night Art

-On blue, black or white paper draw Starry Night with crayon, cray-pas or colored pencils.

-Add sparkly star stickers or glitter glue to create textured touch surface.

Feed Matisse’s Fish

1-Read Story


Look at blow up of Goldfish

-Who feeds the fish?

-Do other animals live there, too?

-How many fish are in the bowl?

2-Games and activities:

This Fish Bowl Game


Large easel paper, chalkboard, whiteboard, or magnet board with a simple drawing of a fish bowl

Several colorful, patterned simple cardboard fish (at least one for each student) placed “in” the fish bowl

Each student gets a chance to play the game. The same fish can be picked more than once. The teacher can do the first one to model the game for the students.

Teacher: Pick a fish.

Student: I pick…the student describes the color or pattern. “I pick the dotted orange one.”

Teacher: What is its name?

Student: This fish is…the student picks a name.

“This fish is Marvin.”

Teacher: How old is the fish?

Student: This fish is…the student picks an age.

“This fish is 62.”

Teacher: What does it like to eat?

Student: This fish likes…the student picks a food.

“This fish like to eat macaroni and mustard.”

The class can help ask the questions along with the teacher after they learn how to play. This game works great at circle time because it gives kids a chance to think of answers or pass if they are not ready.

Feel the Funny Fish Art

-On white paper draw a fish bowl with crayons or markers.

-Color the blank fish bowl.

-Cut out textured, colored fish shapes from scrap materials.

-Fill the bowl with scaly fish by using glue.

-Decorate the fish and background.

-Name the fish!

Pop Warhol’s Top

1-Read Story


Look at blow up of Campbell’s Soup Can

-Where have you seen it before?

-Why did the artist paint a picture of a soup can?

-Talk about POP ART and bold, bright colors used in

-Talk about POP ART and everyday objects.

-Name some everyday objects.

-Talk about Warhol painting multiples-the same picture over and over again like a pattern

2-Games and Activities:

Pop, Pop, Stop!

It is a survey of what is POPular in the classroom and a great way to have a group of kids get to know each other better. Warhol loved bright colors, patterns and all things POPular!


20 Sticky post-it notes or small, square cards in four bright colors

Large easel paper, chalkboard, or whiteboard

Chalk or marker

Set up:

-Draw a grid on the board 4 squares across by 5 squares down so that one post it note will fit in each square.

-On the back of each post-it write a different survey for the class “Raise your hand if…

you have a brother.”

you like ice cream.”

you like snakes.”

your favorite color is blue.”

-Make 20 surveys and place one in each box of the grid in a colorful pattern.

Play the game:

-Have the students clap and say, “Pop, Pop, STOP!” The teacher then picks a card and asks the students each survey question.  “Raise your hands if…”

-The teacher then counts the hands and writes the number in the box then returns the sticky note to the box.

-The teacher takes all the surveys then at the end everyone in the class gets to see what is more or less popular in the class.

Pop Your Top Art

-Color black and white copies of Campbell’s Soup Can with bright, bold colored pencils.

-Cut out a piece of oval paper to make a soup can top.

-Attach the soup can top with a metal brad and tape the back.

-Draw a picture of something popping out of the can.

Pop Art Patterns

-Fold a white piece of paper once in half top to bottom then again side to side.

-Open it up and trace the lines of the folds with a dark crayon or pencil. There should be four equal rectangles on the paper.

-Pick an everyday object like a spoon, cup or button.

-Draw the object once in each square in a different color each time.

-Add a textured touch space for one of the objects with scrap fabric and glue.