Monet’s Picnic Place Mats

Claude Monet painted beautiful flowers in his famous garden in Giverny, France. Make your own colorful bouquet of place mats and bring Monet’s garden to your dinner table.



Acrylic Paint

Paint Brushes


Masking Tape


Coated Canvas Cloth 12” x 12”

1-Tape off the border of the canvas cloth and place it on a covered work surface.

2-Using a pencil, draw a picture of a flower on the canvas. Paint the flower with bright colors and allow the canvas to dry.

3-Remove the tape and paint the entire place mat with clear acrylic paint. Allow the canvas to dry for 24 hours, then set the table and enjoy the lovely scenery!

Don’t forget to eat your flowers!

Broccoli and cauliflower are really flowers that you can eat!